Onboard Employment Partners LLC.



Are you looking for top candidates in your industry?

You have come to the right place!

Register to begin searching our vetted candidate database. 

Searching for qualified candidates has never been easier, and hiring has never been more cost-effective!

Once registered, you can easily determine the cost of our service. 

All resumes on our database have been pre-verified to provide accurate information on the last four (4) employers (job titles and employment dates) and education. If employed for more than five (5) years with the same company, the last three (3) employers are verified. 

Through Onboard's innovative recruiting methods, we add value by conducting your due diligence in advance to help you speed up the recruitment process.

Connecting and hiring our talent is simple.

  • Find the candidate
  • Schedule an interview
  • Make a job offer

As the only vetted resume hub in Northwest Georgia, we attract top talent looking for employment opportunities in our area.

Register it's easy and free!

Unlimited Resume SearchesThe annual subscription fee provides unlimited resume views. In addition, Onboard will be due a service fee for each placement for the services provided.
The fee scheduled will be provided upon registration.
You can also contact us to schedule an appointment to learn more about Onboard and how it can help your business.

Purchase our annual subscription to view resumes!