Job Seeker 

Consent and authorization to release information: I hereby expressly authorize any employer, employment verification provider, educational institution, or other entity that issued, manages, or is connected to any employment records and all degrees, licenses, or certifications to release any information related to said educational status and certifications related to me to Onboard Employment Partners, LLC or any of its representatives, staff or agents and I hereby relieve any person or entity complying with a request for information and any and all liability in connection with the release of information related to my past employment verification and educational background. 

Release and Indemnity Agreement: 
I (hereinafter referred to as "Prospective Employee") and Onboard Employment Partners, LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Onboard") agree as follows: 

WHEREAS, Onboard provides consulting and referral services in connection with matching employers with prospective employee applicants; and

WHEREAS, Prospective Employee has agreed to allow Onboard to upload their resume, educational background, and other personal information (“Personal Information”) to be utilized by Onboard under terms and conditions to be agreed upon between Onboard and prospective employers; and

WHEREAS, in connection with providing these services, Prospective Employee agrees to release, hold harmless, and indemnify Onboard as set forth herein below.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and for the right to use the Personal Information Prospective Employee does hereby agree as follows:
Prospective Employee understands that Onboard will have access to sensitive and personal data and will share that data with prospective employers and agrees to hold harmless Onboard for any prospective employer’s misuse of such Personal Information.
Prospective Employee does hereby release and forever discharges Onboard its agents, attorneys, employees, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of actions, and suits of any kind or nature arising out of or in any way related to the use and disclosure of the Personal Information by or through Prospective Employee.
Prospective Employee further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Onboard, its agents, attorneys, employees, successors, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, cause of actions, and suits of any kind or nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way related to Prospective Employee's operation and disclosure of the Personal Information, except for any claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of actions and suits which are caused by the sole negligence of Onboard.

Prospective Employee’s electronic signature binds said party to the terms and conditions of this agreement. 


Employer recruiting services agreement:
I (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”), and ONBOARD EMPLOYMENT PARTNERS, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “Onboard”), the parties hereby agree as follows: 

WHEREAS, Onboard provides certain business services, which include pre-verifying job seeker resume data related to a prospective employee(s) (“PE” or “PEs”); and

WHEREAS Customer seeks to have Onboard provide those types of services for Customer in a mutually agreed upon fashion;
THE PARTIES, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and benefits flowing between the parties, do hereby agree as follows: 

Term of Contract, Renewal: This Contract for Services (the “Agreement”) shall be a recurring subscription with a term of 12 months (the “Term of Service”), beginning on registration. The Agreement shall automatically renew with all other terms remaining unchanged and in full force unless terminated by Customer sixty (60) days before the end date.

Services Provided: Onboard agrees to provide those services as agreed upon by the parties and memorialized in Exhibit “A”. Exhibit “A” outlines the Prospective Employee Data (“PED”) which are provided by Onboard to Customer, defines the rates and fees for such services and defines any other
deliverables. Onboard agrees to perform the agreed services in a reasonably timely manner as agreed upon by the Parties. Onboard will become Customer’s exclusive agent for the purposes described herein as of the date this Agreement is executed or a reasonable time thereafter.

It is understood that during the search process, the Customer will communicate with PE only via Onboard. As the agent for the Customer, all matters relating to the search process will be handled through Onboard. If Onboard introduces a PE to a Customer and the Customer, within a year after the
introduction hires the PE without directly using Onboard’s services, then Onboard will charge the customer the full placement fee.

PEs are screened to the Customer’s specifications but are referred in compliance with federal and state employment laws and regulations which include equal opportunity regardless of the PE’s age, sex, color, race, religion, or country of national origin.

Alterations in Scope Of Work: Once implemented, the parties may expand or alter the services being provided by Onboard by preparing additional PEDs following the initial set-up and implementation. A PED shall not be effective until executed by both parties in writing and any material changes to
a PED, scope or otherwise, will also require approval in writing through a revised PED.

Fee: Onboard will provide the services at the rates and pricing contained in the PED shown in Exhibit “A” to this Agreement. The customer shall pay Onboard accordingly. Payment is due before the commencement of services unless otherwise provided. If payment is not made within fifteen days of
being due, this shall constitute a default of this agreement under Paragraph 8. Any overages or arrearages shall be balanced by Onboard quarterly. 

Termination: Services can be paused or canceled with thirty (30) days' notice by either party. If terminated by Customer, Customer is obligated to settle all outstanding balances. Upon termination, the Customer may step into a lower plan, where applicable. The customer acknowledges that data will be permanently deleted 30 days after termination.

Nondisclosure of Confidential Information: Notwithstanding the covenants of Paragraph 8 of this Agreement, Customer agrees to treat all information related to the scope of this work and any information learned about PEs and related information strictly confidential. Onboard acknowledges that during the Term of Service, PEs provide Onboard with sensitive and personal information to aid Onboard in providing the services covered by this Agreement. The customer agrees not to disclose that information with anyone, except as necessary to perform services under this contract.

Limited Liability: Customer shall use reasonable care and provide industry-standard levels of security to safeguard PE’s data, and information. In no event will Onboard be liable for any indirect or incidental, damages, or damages for loss of profits, savings, revenue, use, or business interruption, that may arise in connection with this agreement, any services or deliverables provided to the client, or any matter whatsoever, regardless of the cause of action or characterization of the damages.

Default: Should Customer default under this Agreement, Onboard shall notify Customer of default promptly in writing and shall have the right to discontinue all activities. If the default was caused by a violation of Paragraph 4 of this agreement, i.e. non-payment of Fees, the Customer may cure default by paying all moneys past due. If Customer does not cure default within 10 days of notification, Onboard may elect to terminate the Agreement. In the event of default for any reason under Paragraph 6 of this Agreement, Onboard shall have the right to discontinue all activities until the issue causing the default is corrected. In the event of default by Customer by any grounds other than payment of fees owed pursuant to Paragraph 4, Onboard shall have the option to terminate this Agreement immediately. Furthermore, nothing in this Paragraph shall function as Onboard’s sole remedy and Onboard shall be allowed to pursue any remedy available to it for breach of this Agreement in law or equity.

Notice: The Parties shall give immediate written notice to each other of any of the following: (a) the occurrence, or failure to occur, of any event which occurrence or failure would be likely to cause any representation contained in this Agreement to be untrue or inaccurate in any material respect at any time; or (b) any failure of any Party to comply with, perform or satisfy in any material respect any covenant or to comply with, perform or satisfy any condition contained in this Agreement. Any notice pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing and will be deemed properly given if hand delivered, mailed, or electronically mailed to Customer or Vendor at the addresses set forth below.

Onboard: Tania Drain, 475 County Road 368 Centre, AL 35960 /

No Infringement: Customer warrants that Customer data supplied to Onboard does not contain any information or data that constitutes an infringement of any copyright, or that is defamatory or violates any applicable law, and agrees to hold Onboard harmless for any such claims, including attorney’s fees for a violation or misappropriation of a valid third-party patent, copyright, or other proprietary right by a party (the Indemnifying party) arising out of or in connection with services being utilized pursuant to this agreement between the parties. 

Choice of law: The Parties agree that this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Georgia.

Jurisdiction and Disputes: All disputes hereunder shall be resolved in the applicable state or federal courts of Georgia and in the venue of Floyd County. The parties consent to the jurisdiction of such courts, agree to accept service of process by mail and waive any jurisdictional or venue defenses otherwise available.

Execution: This Agreement may be executed in duplicate counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original.

Force Majeure, Acts of God: Neither Party shall be liable for any loss or delay resulting from any force majeure event, including, but not limited to, acts of God, fire, natural disaster, labor stoppage, war or military hostilities, terrorist attack, and/or cyberterrorism or hacking.

Headings: Paragraph headings contained herein are for the purposes of organization only, and shall not constitute a part of this Agreement.

Entire Agreement: This Agreement and its Exhibits constitute the entire understanding of the parties, and there are no representations or warranties other than those expressly stated herein. Each party acknowledges that this Agreement, as entered into, is satisfactory. Each party concurs that this Agreement is entered into freely and voluntarily without threat, duress, coercion, or undue influence. The parties acknowledge, each to the other, that each is mentally competent and suffering under no disabilities that may tend to set aside any portion of this Agreement in the future. Further, the parties acknowledge that each and every material fact concerning the issues dealt with herein has been fully, fairly, and completely disclosed to the other.

Exhibit "A"

Prospective Employee Data

Data provided by prospective employee

• Resume
• Names/Addresses of any references/employers
• Names/Addresses of any educational institutions or entities related to degrees/licenses/certifications
• Address

Fee: As consideration for the service provided, Onboard will be due a placement fee as listed below, for each placement. Customers will be invoiced on or before the employee's first day of employment. Invoices are due and payable to Onboard within fifteen (15) days of the employee's first day of employment.

Customer agrees that if a PE submitted to Customer by Onboard is hired either directly or indirectly within twelve (12) months from the last discussion concerning such EP it would be a result of Onboard’s efforts on behalf of Customer and Customer agrees to pay to Onboard the amount identified above. In the event, that Onboard refers a PE to a Customer that has already interviewed or scheduled an interview, and Customer so advises Onboard within ten (10) business days following the referral, Customer will not owe Onboard any fee if Customer hires the PE.

Subscription Fee- $99 per year (credit card only)
Placement Fee- (invoiced) 

You may be required to provide a copy of the signed offer letter to verify the accurate placement cost. 

Agreeing to the terms acts as an electronic signature binding said party to the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Terms of Service

At we are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe online experience with our site. Because we gather certain types of information about the users of, we believe you should fully understand our information-gathering and dissemination practices. This privacy statement discloses what information we gather, how we use it, and how to correct or change it.

Contact Information
Our site's registration form requires you to enter contact information (such as your name and email address). We will not disclose any of your personal information to any outside parties except with your consent as described in the Personal History section below.

Personal History
You may store your personal information such as previous employers, education, and resume in our database. This stored information can be used by you to fill out applications for jobs posted on our site without ever having to retype the information. You will always have the option of changing the information on your resume.

Resume Search
Your information can also be used by our employer clients to find qualified job applicants through our searchable resume database. You have the option as to whether or not you want to allow your information to be searchable by employers.

Job Visits
We track the number of times jobs posted on our site are displayed, but only in the aggregate. We do not track which individual users display a particular job.

IP Address
We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our servers and to administer our Web site. We will not track any other information regarding your IP address.

Changing or Deleting Information
You may change any of your contact or personal information at any time. You may also use the Your Account option to delete your registration information including your contact and personal information. You are always welcome to re-register with us at a later date.

Contacting Us
If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.